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The End Message field is used at the end of the survey. In this field, you can include a thank you message, instructions on how to close the browser window We strongly advise you export the submission data into a file format, such as Excel for future reference. Page 11. LimeSurvey 3 User Guide – McGill IT Services. information, (Question 7 in the example survey is a Long Free Text question type). Page 15. Computing and Communications Services (CCS) - LimeSurvey Quick Start Response balance – This shows the balance of tokens remaining for the VIU Surveys account. Every completed or partially completed survey costs one token. This Only the people with a valid token code can access this survey. 10. Page 11. LimeSurvey Manual. 9. Click ?Display participants? in the nextHelp us to update this manual! This manual is a Wiki - just log in with your account and start editing! LimeSurvey is a free self-service survey tool available to University Departments videos and read through the instructions on the LimeSurvey website.
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