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AIR POLLUTION AND QUAILTY CONTROL Material pdf download · Air & Noise Pollution Note pdf download - LectureNotes for free · Note of Air pollution and control Air Pollution & Control, AP&C Notes, Engineering Class handwritten notes, exam notes, previous year questions, PDF free download. LECTURE NOTES. ON. AIR POLLUTION AND CONTROL. (A70136). IV B. Tech I Semester (JNTUH-R15). By. Mr. SRINIVAS ANGADI. Assistant Professor. Excerpts from Lecture notes of Professor M. Ashraf Ali, BUET. Page 2. AIR POLLUTION. • Air Pollution may be defined as any atmospheric condition.In India, it is one of the criteria air pollutants that require control under NAAQS. In the stratosphere, ozone's absorption of UV radiation provides a Note the beginning of an inversion at about 1000 ft that puts an effective cap on the city and holds in the air pollution. This type of inversion is called
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